senator Ted Cruz

senator Ted Cruz Contact information

Here you will find contact information for senator Ted Cruz, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Ted Cruz
Role senator
State Texas
Party Republican
Born December 22, 1970
Entered Office January 3, 2013
Term expires January 3, 2025
Mailing Address 404 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
Phone number (202) 224-5922
email Email Form
Know more about Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)
Rafael Edward Cruz is an American politician and attorney serving as the junior United States Senator for Texas since 2013. He was the runner-up for the Republican presidential nomination in the 2016 election. Cruz holds degrees in public policy and law from Princeton University and Harvard Law School, respectively.
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Senator Ted Cruz Biograph

Rafael Edward Cruz is an American attorney and politician.

He is currently serving as the Junior U.S. Senator for Texas. He was born in Alberta, Canada on December 22nd, 1970. He went to two private high schools, Faith West Academy and Second Baptist High School. He graduated from there in 1988 as a valedictorian.

He went to Princeton University in 1992. He graduated cum Laude with a B.A. degree in public policy. He competed for the American Whig- Cliosophic Society’s Debate Panel. He won the award for top speaker in two debate championships in 1992. He was named U.S. National Speaker of the Year. Sen. Cruz’s senior thesis at Princeton was based on the separation of powers. It was inspired by a passage attributed to James Madison. Cruz argued in his thesis that the drafters of constitutions intended to protect their constituent rights.

Sen. Cruz attended Harvard university after graduating from Princeton. He graduated magna cum laude from there in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree. He was a primary editor of the Harvard Law reviews and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.

Senator Ted Cruz Career

Sen. Cruz started his career in 1995 as a law clerk. He took a position at Cooper & Kirk, PLLC after his clerkship from 1997 to 1998. He joined the presidential campaign of George Bush in 1999 as a domestic policy adviser. He assisted in assembling the Bush legal team in 2000. Sen. Cruz was appointed to the office of Solicitor-General in 2003 by General Greg Abbott. Cruz left the Solicitor General position in 2008. He went to work in a private law firm called Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP in Huston. He represented corporate clients.

Sen. Cruz ran in the 2012 Republican primary as a Tea Party candidate. He launched his campaign through a blogger conference call. He was endorsed by Sarah Palin and Club for Growth. He won the runoff nominations by a 14-point margin. He also won the general elections with 4.5 million votes.

Sen. Cruz ran for a second term in 2018 and won. He was up against Democrat Beto O’Rourke. The election was unusually competitive and it caught the eyes of the media.

Senator Ted Cruz Accomplishments

Sen. Cruz authored more than 80 U.S. Supreme court briefs. He argued 43 oral arguments. He won a series of landmark victories that included the defense of the U.S. against the UN.

Senator Ted Cruz Criticisms

Sen. Curz’s role in the U.S. federal government shutdown of 2013 attracted criticisms from the public and some of his own colleagues.

In 2015, Cruz was criticized for his statement that seemed to connect Obama to terrorism because of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Cruz’s statement was said to be way over the line and people hated it.

Senator Ted Cruz Net Worth

Based on publicly available information on opensecrets, we estimated Ted Cruz’s net worth to be around $4 million as of 2021.

Final Thoughts

Ted Cruz has been an effective fighter for “small” on government, “big” on corporate and economic growth, and the Constitution. He had some controversies throughout his career. Most Texans seem to like him for upholding the Texas value.
