senator Tommy Tuberville

senator Tommy Tuberville Contact information

Here you will find contact information for senator Tommy Tuberville, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Tommy Tuberville
Role senator
State Alabama
Party Republican
Born September 18, 1954
Entered Office January 3, 2021
Term expires January 3, 2027
Mailing Address B40A Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
Phone number 202 224-4124
email Email Form
Know more about Senator Tommy Tuberville (D-AL) political views
Thomas Hawley Tuberville is a retired American college football coach and politician serving as the junior United States senator from Alabama since 2021. Before entering politics, Tuberville was the head football coach at Auburn University from 1999 to 2008.
On This Page


Changing The Way We Treat Our Veterans

My father was a highly decorated WWII veteran and Purple Heart recipient, and that is why I am so passionate about changing the way our nation treats its Veterans. President Trump is off to a good start – Veteran unemployment is at its lowest point in history: 2.3%. But we can and must do more to help our Veterans re-enter the workforce and society. We must provide them with high-quality care and job training, and ensure that those who need it get the psychological care and attention they need to deal with the issues they face being back home.


Tommy Believes the First Duty of Government Is to Protect Our Individual Liberty

I am running for the United States Senate because I believe liberals in Washington are out-of-control. I believe the first duty of government is to protect our individual liberty. I will be a leader in Washington fighting for smaller government, less taxes, and our national sovereignty. I am running to defend the Constitution, and I understand that the freedoms we enjoy must be protected and preserved for future generations.

As a father and husband, I understand that decisions made in Washington have an immediate impact on families and shape the world we will leave to our children. I understand the profound blessing it is to be a citizen of the United States, and I will be responsible to help conserve that blessing for future generations.


The Federal Government Is Not the Solution to Improving Our Nation’s Education System

The best and most viable solutions come from the local level where parents, students, and local administrators can collaborate and work towards success together. And I believe that school choice, charter schools, and improving our existing public schools are all things that need to be a part of the education mix for Alabama children.


Lower Taxes and Less Spending

Thankfully we have a President who thinks like we do: lower taxes create jobs and less spending reduces the size and scope of the federal government. After eight long years of a declining economy, we are now seeing record job growth across the board and the lowest unemployment rates for Veterans and African-Americans in history. President Trump’s tax cuts and economic policies have driven this success – and I will join in the fight and support our President as we continue to grow our economy.


It’s Simple — A Secure Border Means a More Secure Nation

We must first secure our border as we attempt real immigration reforms that will impact our nation for decades to come. I fully support President Trump’s plan to build a wall and make our nation more secure. And I will make sure our border patrol, detention centers, and law enforcement officers along and near the border have the resources they need to fight the scourge of illegal immigration that brings drugs, terrorists, and criminals into our country on a daily basis.


The First Role of Government Is to Protect Citizens

The first role of our government is to protect its citizens and that is why I will support a strong and robust military. I know we must provide our Armed Forces with the tools and resources they need to protect Americans at home and abroad. Alabamians are proud and we stand with our military and our Veterans who have given so much for our nation.


Stand for the Right to Life

A Christian conservative, I will always stand up for those who can’t do so on their own. I will fight to protect the sanctity of every human life because future generations may very well look back at the current wave of infanticide sweeping across our nation as this generation’s holocaust.


Defending The Second Amendment

While we are fighting out-of-touch liberals to protect life and liberty, we must also stand up for the time-honored traditions we hold dear in Alabama. Being a sportsman has always been a part of my life. That is why I will always vote to protect and preserve our Second Amendment rights.


Tommy Will Stand With President Trump

If I was in U.S. Senate today, I would be calling for a full and thorough investigation into the now-disproved Russian collusion probe of the 2016 elections. I believe that this witch-hunt was a political stunt to try and call into question President Trump’s legitimacy. I will stand with President Trump and fight any attempt to discredit his Presidency.


Reforming A Broken Healthcare System

Obamacare must go. This failed experiment has led to higher costs, less quality care, and a system that hurts patients and doctors more than it helps. I believe that we need a return to the free-market where companies compete for your business, while ensuring that pre-existing conditions are not a deterrent to obtaining quality insurance and care.